Glouton by Bleemeo
Bleemeo has published several components of the Bleemeo Cloud based Monitoring product as Open Source projects. The two main projects are Glouton, our agent based on Prometheus and Telegraf, and SquirrelDB, our Time Series Database based on Cassandra.
The new tiny name of the agent is Glouton which is the French word for wolverine, not only a Marvel character but also a small animal that eat almost everything. This is the parallelism with our agent: our agent ingests almost all types of metrics: statsd, prometheus, bleemeo, ...

Real-time autonomous monitoring
Services checks & metrics
Containers monitoring
Live processes monitoring
Local web UI
Easy Monitoring Agent
Blazing fast. Just try it.
We auto-discover services and metrics.
One agent to rules them all
Embed Prometheus node exporter, Nagios nrpe compatibility and key process monitoring.
Local UI
Build Native Dashboards using labels on your hosts and containers.

docker run -d --name='glouton' -v /var/lib/glouton:/var/lib/glouton -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /:/hostroot:ro --pid=host --net=host --cap-add CAP_SYS_PTRACE bleemeo/glouton

Glouton, Open Source Monitoring Agent
- Based on Prometheus node exporter and Telegraf
- Automatic discovery and configuration of services, generate checks and metrics
- Can be used as main Prometheus endpoint for another scrapper
- Support Nagios checks, NRPE and Statsd metrics ingester
- Available as Linux deb and rpm packages for Linux distributions, as a Docker container and Windows package
- Kubernetes native support creating metrics and checks for pods