Real Time Dashboards

When operating an infrastructure, getting metrics is key, but powerfull dashboards are also a must have. We describe here what dashboards are available in Bleemeo Cloud Monitoring solution.

Automatic Dashboard

Bleemeo build automatic dashboards by default for every host monitored, for recognized services, for containers. No user action is needed to get real time dashboards.

  • Dashboards are created automatically when a new server is registered
  • Hosts Key metrics: CPU, Memory, Disk & Network usage are graphed on the default dashboard
  • Services Dashboards for automatically detected services with metrics are also automatically created (for example, web traffic of your Nginx server)
  • Docker and containerd containers are also recognized and graph on their dashboards
  • Data are refreshed every 10s on the dashboards when using professional plan
  • Check up to 13 months of data in your dashboards when using professional plan
Bleemeo Real Time Dashboard
Bleemeo Docker Dashboard

Docker & Containers Dashboard

Containers services and metrics are automatically detected and graphed in a tab of the host dashboards. All containers informations are centralized in those dashboards in addition to host and services data.

  • A Docker dashboard is automatically added when your machine is running Docker or containerd.
  • For each container CPU, Memory and Network usage are gathered like any other host metrics and are available in a dashboard.
  • Equivalent of Docker inspect is available in the web interface to diagnose your containers without requiring user to connect to the host.
  • Metrics specific to a service running in a container are available in the service dashboard associated to the host.

Custom Dashboard

Bleemeo build automatically dashboards, but you can also create your own dashboards to track your business metrics or graph at the same place multiple hosts data. Various widgets are available to create fancy custom dashboards.

  • Every metric can be integrated in Custom Dashboards
  • Data source can be mixed in a dashboard: system metrics, custom metrics, AWS CloudWatch metrics, applications metrics, ...
  • Multiple widgets are available: line, area gauge, counters graphs, but also image, text and status widgets.
  • Metrics can be selected individually or using PromQL (Prometheus Query Language) to select multiple metrics with one query and build powerfull dashboards.
  • Use timeshift or another operation to compare your live data from another reference timeslot. All PromQL operations are supported: rate, sum, ...
  • Widgets can be sized and drag and dropped in dashboard
Bleemeo Custom Dashboards
Bleemeo Stack Dashboards

Stack Dashboards

While you can use PromQL query to build your dashboards and select multiple metrics from multiple systems at once, Bleemeo also offer to tag your machines, containers or services to build dashboard on the fly without any manual configuration.

  • Just add labels to your containers/machines and get automatic dashboards.
  • Get global metrics (global traffic for example) and per node metric (traffic for each node for example) on the same graph.
  • Available for all integrated services in Bleemeo: Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Cassandra, etc.
  • Can be integrated in your AWS EC2 auto-scaling group, in your Docker Swarm or Kubernetes cluster.

Real Time Process Information

Bleemeo offers a view similar to the one htop offer on command line of most systems. You can check live the status of your process and cpu and memory consumption. For specific process (like databases, web servers), we also provide an historization of the cpu and memory usage.

  • A htop like tab information is available for each server
  • All columns can be sorted on the fly to order information by memory / cpu usage
  • htop view is refreshed every 10s
  • No need to get a ssh access to get a htop view of the machine
  • For key processes, CPU and memory usage information is historized and can be graphed.
Bleemeo htop like Dashboard
Bleemeo Infrastructure Live Status

Infrastructure Live Status

Get all your infrastructure problems at glance. Best screen to display in your ops Open Space!

  • A live status page is available for getting a global view of infrastructure health
  • Alerts are categorized in warning and critical.
  • Alerts can be silence to not be notified and disapear for the status screen for a while.
  • Data are refreshed every 10s
  • The page is a good candidate for operation center big screen

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