Uptime Monitoring
Getting a view of your services availability and latency is key in providing your customers a good experience. Bleemeo allows you to monitor all external services availability and latency from multiple locations in the world, combined with internal views from your servers.
Reports are available for sharing the performances of your services with upper management or with customers.
Internal & External probes in multiple Locations
Locations from Europe (Paris, Milan, Frankfurt), Asia (Singapore) and North America (Ohio) are available to monitor your public services latency and availability.
- Public checks performed from five different locations and from different continents (Europe, North America, Asia)
- Use your Bleemeo agent deployed on your servers to monitor internal services and/or from your locations.
- Alarm raised only if multiple locations are failing at the same time to avoid a false positive if it's a peering issue.
- Availability check and latency measurement from each location
- You can select which locations are used for monitoring your service.
- For each monitored service, availability and performance reports from multiple locations in the world are available.
- SSL certificate validity and domain name expiration are also checked.

Uptime Monitoring Real Time Dashboard
A complete dashboard with history of availability and latency is available for each service monitored. Key Indicators like current month and last month uptime are available.
- Uptime and Latency history metrics are available for each monitored service, and from each location.
- Key Indicator: current and last month uptime are available.
- A heatmap of events provides a quick view of when issues happened.
- All those data are also available in a weekly or monthly mail report.
HTTP & TCP checks
You can monitor your public services running HTTP or TCP services. SSL handshakes are performed and HTTP return code or content can also be checked.
- Monitor a website or any Internet exposed service.
- Perform HTTP and TCP checks from Bleemeo probes.
- Check HTTP return code. By default, all codes below 400 are considered as OK.
- Check content of the returned web page. Content presents or absents checks are available.

SSL & Domain Name Expiration Check
It's too bad to let a certificate or a domain name expire. Bleemeo provides a way to monitor your SSL certificates, and to make sure they're valid and provide a valid trust chain.
- Periodically check SSL certificates expiration dates and raise alarms when a certificate is about to expire.
- Periodically check domain names expiration dates and raise alarms when a domain is about to expire.
- Receive a notification when an SSL certificate or domain name needs to be renewed.
- Let's Encrypt SSL certificates covered with adapted lifetime
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